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Fisher Price Elmo Live
The Fisher Price Elmo Live toy is a dancing, storytelling and rapping toy. This animatronic doll is sure to be one of the main presents on the Christmas wish list of most young children and possibly some older children amongst us as well. This fun little animated character is sure to give children hours of fun this festive season.
Elmo has four different sensitivity settings, which are located in his foot, his nose, his back and also his stomach. When the sensitive areas are touch Elmo will respond by doing different things such as rapping, head bobbing and asking for hugs to name a few things. Elmo can sometimes come across as being clingy but he is a lovable little character.
Some people may feel that Elmo is a bit expensive and out of their price range as he will set people back about sixty dollars or if you leave it to nearer Christmas when the supplies are running low you could be looking at paying in the region of hundred dollars or more for him. With the demand for the Fisher Price Elmo Live toy set to rise dramatically on the lead up to Christmas it is well worth getting him early then your children will not be disappointed and you will not have to pay extortionate prices so your wallet will stay fatter.
Fisher Price has definitely come up with the best contender for Christmas toys with the creation of the Fisher Price Elmo Live toy. The Elmo Live character is based on the Sesame Street character, which was made famous by Kevin Clash.
The Fisher Price Elmo Live toy has a wide range of features, which includes dancing and singing, which he does in a very entertaining way and will keep people amused for a while. The Fisher Price Elmo Live tells stories, jokes and even plays games. The other advantage of Elmo Live is that he will automatically go to sleep when he is left unattended so this will help to save on the battery power.
Fisher Price Elmo Live has a built in sensor and this enables him to ask you to help him up if he falls over, it really is a fantastic toy to play with and is sure to keep even the adults entertained. Elmo's arms and legs move so he can be played with and when he is hugged Elmo will say "love you too" and "thank you".
It is very funny when you squeeze Elmo's nose you will hear him make a honking sound and then he will stand up and sneeze and on some occasions the Fisher Price Elmo Live toy will also blow kisses. A bit that is bound to get the younger children laughing is when Elmo falls over he says "Uh-oh" and asks you to help him back up and then once you stand him up he says thank you.
This toy is going to be a hot seller this season. Make sure your child doesn't miss out. If you've enjoyed all the exciting information you read here about fisher prices elmo live. You'll love everything else you find at Fisher Price Elmo Live Review.
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